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Between research and solidarity

Just a short update on my progress and few thoughts from last week…


Wednesday 13th:

I attended the plenary session of the FIP? at the UERJ? and the most important topic covered was the organisation of the debate that the FIP will organise in December.

Despite the fact the debate was intense, I managed to make a short speech , speaking more clearly about my research and my work-plan with the FIP (interviews, writing a booklet, participatory blog). To help me I prepared a handout that I distributed during the meeting (a copy HERE). Several people turned out to be interested, all-in-all a positive evening!


While I was waiting the meeting starting, I took some cool picture of the sky over the University

In recent weeks, the Movement has changed, there are no more massive street demonstrations as in October. However, the amount of events or meetings has not decreased , while the participation is greatly diminished. Anyway, it seems that it is enough just an “excuse” to explode again protest in the streets.
On my commitments have not diminished , in fact. The interviews are continuing, the work with the FIP becomes more pressing, and I began to collaborate with Assembleia Popular da Grande Tijuca, a popular assembly in my neighborhood (this Sunday I should do a mini presentation on hand gesture for the assembly) .

Speaking about solidarity, along with other comrades, I translated into Italian a leaflet written by the group OATL on the recent mobilizations in Brazil (translation which was published HERE). Moreover, yesterday I helped a buddy of Bologna that is processing different material on Rio de Janeiro for an information-point to raise funds. Finally, this week an article on Umanità Nova (an Italian anarchist magazine) has been posted of the group Solidarity and Action Mobilization with Brazil Activists – Leeds (SAMBA) on Brazil and also they are organizing events to raise awareness and funds for the Movement. They are all small things, but consume a lot of time and are fundamental for building real international solidarity.
As usual, I deeply reflect on the relationship between being a researcher and, at the same time, an activist, of course, there is a potential tension between the two. In the literature, this relationship is widely analysed, often starting from the role of the researcher, being an activist is a method at the service of research. I think that it would be interesting to reverse this point of view and ask what impact has to be a researcher on militancy…

PS: photo dedicated to all those who complain about the cold temperatures in Europe are envious of Rio de Janeiro (I think, however, that is is “bit” too much…)


DSCN2856Temperature in the Rio’s streets few days ago…

Posted in General.