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Barcelona article

After many corrections, the article that I presented at the XIII Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica in Barcelona (you can found HERE all the program), was published online, and it can be found HERE (in Italian), LE PROTESTE POPOLARI A RIO DE JANEIRO A PARTIRE DA GIUGNO 2013: UNO STUDIO PRELIMINARE.

Please send me any critique/comment/suggestion!

I want to stress one critical point (more than the grammatical errors) of my document: I stated there that there were no published works dedicated to the analysis of the social struggle in Rio de Janeiro. However, after more research, I now am happy to suggest two well written and important books (both in Portuguese, a translation in English is needed!) that are based on the events in Rio de Janeiro and, starting from a Marxist and Negri viewpoint, offer an invaluable tool to understand what happened.

1. A multidão foi ao deserto: as manifestações no Brasil em 2013, author Bruno Cava.

2. Amanhã vai ser maior: o levante da multidão no ano que não terminou, editor Bruno Cava and Giuseppe Cocco.

Posted in General.